# 5.6. GIT
Below I will summarize the list of most important Git commands. Note that the names in the UPPER CASE have to
be substituted with the actual names specific to your work.
## 1. Working locally (development and info)
### 1.1. **Initializing an empty repo**
To create a brand-new Git repo with nothig else
git init
### 1.2. **The status of your repo**
To shows the current state of your project. This will show which files/directories are in unstaged/staged/commited/uncommited
as well as the branch on which you are currently on
git status
### 1.3. **The history of commits**
To show the history of all commits and the development tree, highlights the sections
git log
A better version of this
git log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(magenta)%h%C(blue)%d%Creset %s %C(blue bold)- %an, %ar%Creset'
git log --decorate
### 1.4. **Diff**
To show the changes of the present state made w.r.t. the latest commit
git diff
### 1.5. **Adding files and directories in the repo**
To add the FILES-OR-DIRECTORIES to a so-called "staging" area (think of concert) - something you are working with at the moment.
The FILES-OR-DIRECTORIES are the names of the files or directories to add. You can use an asterisk to match multiple files
### 1.6. **Commiting**
This will commit the files in the current "staging" area to the development history of the code - this way you save the most
valuable and recent state of the project. You can also think of this as making a snapshot of the history of your code.
The message should be informative and must describe clearly what changes have you made in the present version w.r.t. the older state of the code.
git commit -m "Some-message"
## 2. Working with branches
### 2.1. **Find out the current branch**
To show the list of available branches and highlight the active branch
git branch
or slightly more verbose
git branch -rv
### 2.2. **Creating a new branch**
To create a new branch called BRANCH-NAME. The present repository in its present state will be copied into the new branch.
git branch BRANCH-NAME
### 2.3. **Deleting a branch**
To delete a branch called BRANCH-NAME.
git branch -d BRANCH-NAME
### 2.4. **Switching into a new branch**
To switch into the existing BRANCH-NAME branch. This will bring up all the files at the stage of the last commit on that branch.
Be careful - this may override your existing files, so you'd need to commit all the changes you have made to those files,
otherwise all those changes will be lost.
Also - this is a way to "recover" accidentally deleted files or "roll back" to the latest commited stage.
git checkout BRANCH-NAME
### 2.5. **Merging**
To merge the branch called BRANCH-NAME into your currently active branch
git merge BRANCH-NAME
## 3. Working with remotes
### 3.1. **cloning**
To clone another repository located at the REPOSITORY_URL (remote = e.g. GitHub repo) to your current repository (local computer)
git clone REPOSITORY_URL.git
### 3.2. **Info on the remotes**
To show the list of available remotes
git remote -v
### 3.3. **Adding a remote**
Add a "remote" you can pull from and push to. The REMOTE-NAME will be a short name of the remote,
whereas REMOTE-URL is the actual link to the remote repository (ending with .git).
There are couple standard names of the remotes:
* `origin` - this is your own GitHub repository which mirrors your local repo
* `upstream` - this is the GitHub repository which you may not have rights to, but the one
where you are planning to contribute to
### 3.4. **Renaming a remote**
To rename the name of the already existing remote
### 3.5. **Removing a remote**
To remove the remote (a link to the remote repository, known to your git package) named REMOTE-NAME.
This will remote the name of the remote from your list of available remotes.
This doesn't change the remote repository, of course
git remote rm REMOTE-NAME
### 3.6. **Pulling**
To get the latest version of the REMOTE-BRANCH branch on the remote repository REMOTE-NAME and merge it into you presently chosen branch.
### 3.7. **Pushing**
To update the branch REMOTE-BRANCH of a remote reporisotry you have (write) access to called REMOTE-NAME
with the latests updates (commits) on the branch of a local repository you are currently in
# Using GIT
A typical session is:
git init
git status
git add my_code.py
git status
git commit -m "Added my new code"
git status
A session with branching and external repo
git clone https://github.com/Quantum-Dynamics-Hub/libra-code.git
git branch my_new_feature
git branch
git add my_code.py
git commit -m "fixed a bug"
git remote add origin https://github.com/alexvakimov/libra-code.git
git push origin my_new_feature
A session with merging and upstream update
git remote add origin https://github.com/alexvakimov/libra-code.git
git remote add upstream https://github.com/Quantum-Dynamics-Hub/libra-code.git
git pull upstream master
git branch my_new_feature
git branch
git add my_code.py
git commit -m "fixed a bug"
git status
git checkout master
git merge my_new_feature
git push origin master
pytest -vk "specific tests (names of the directories or files to test)"